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Our Community Health Nurse provides services for pre-natal and post-natal assistance, as well as offering educational programs in the local schools

Genevieve Gilbert, Community Health Nurse


Genevieve Gilbert is our Community Health Nurse. Genevieve visits both Witset and Hagwilget in her role, which is to promote and protect the health of the community, while preventing disease. Unlike many who’ve taken on this role temporarily, Genevieve has moved to the area and will be a permanent addition to our health care team.


Genevieve administers seasonal flu shots, as well as vaccinations to children in the post-natal programs.


To keep up with clinics Genevieve is offering, you can follow the Witset Health Centre on Facebook. 


For more information, contact Genevieve at the Health Centre, at (250) 847-9328.





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©2019 by Witset First Nation

#3 - 205 Beaver Rd. Witset, BC V0J 2N1 • 250 847 2133 • Fax: 250 847 9291 

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