Get Active, Witset!
The purpose of the Witset Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) is to establish a long-term vision for active transportation for the community of Witset. The aim is to support Witset residents to increasingly choose active forms of transportation that are safe, fun and convenient. A safe, connected, and accessible community network, and an increase in active transportation, won’t happen on its own; it needs to be planned. Planning now creates future opportunities for infrastructure development that will support healthy habits and lifestyles for Witset residents, today and in the future. A plan will also help the community qualify for infrastructure and program funding opportunities and support future Witset First Nation and partner projects.
Click the image below to read the 2021 Witset Active Transportation Network Plan
In December 2020, Witset First Nation launched "Get Active Witset" - an initiative that will result in the development of Witset's first-ever Active Transportation Plan. This initiative is fully funded by BC's Ministry of Transportation Active Transportation Network Planning Grant and TC Energy.
Purpose and Intent:
To promote health and wellness for all through physical activity by:
Creating a community strategy for non-motorize modes of transportation (walking, biking, snowshoeing, etc.)
Highlighting issues and concerns (low light areas, safety concerns, poor accessibility, etc.)
Documenting existing active transportation infrastructure and where residents currently walk or ride (includes major destinations and/or cultural sites)
Include propose infrastructure improvements and potential trails to develop
Implementation plan including maintenance of infrastructure post construction
Where we are at
For more information on this project please contact Graham Fast @
Hearing from a diverse cross section of the community is essential to creating a “made in Witset” plan. Having opportunities for all members of the community, from young children to elders and everyone in between helps ensure the plan accurately reflects the unique needs and opportunities of the Witset community.
The plan will establish a long-term vision and actions that support the community in choosing active transportation year-round. This includes identifying improvements that support safe, convenient & fun travel for residents of all ages & abilities. The plan will build on work already completed in the community and be an important tool in accessing funding for future projects.