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Community Project Notice: the Witset Canyon Trail

Construction expected between July and October 2023

Oral teachings and archaeological studies confirm that this area is a burial ground. 

Here are the measures being taken to cause the least amount of ground disturbance as possible:

1.      CAP & FILL: The trail will be capped and filled with material brought in externally. This will protect the existing ground plane preserving the archaeological heritage of the site. This project is expected to bring in over 3500 tonnes of bulk fill then covered with 210 tonnes of asphalt pavement.

2.      AVOID: Parts of the trail is located in the Ministry of Transportation Right-of-Way, to utilize areas of high ground disturbance as a result of the construction of the highway. 

3.      REDUCE: Control digging. Heavy Machinery will be use to remove the brush and strip away the top organic layer/top soil. If subsoil ground disturbance cannot be avoided, a slow digging procedure or manual digging will ensue.

  1. MONITOR: Wetsuwet’en Cultural Monitors will be present to supervise construction activities and ensure minimal ground disturbance. If subsoil disturbance does occur, the monitor will work with archeologists to inspect the material to determine if archaeological remains are present. If present, it will initiate a full archeological site investigation halting construction activities. Construction will resume once such investigation is complete.

  2. REPORT: The Cultural Monitor will report to the community, by providing maps and other means of representation to inform them on the location of the known findings (if any) and its historical significance. 


For any questions or concerns please contact Rebecca Morris, Sustainable Community Development Officer at 250-847-2133 ext. 268

Canyon Connection Map 11x17.jpg


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©2019 by Witset First Nation

#3 - 205 Beaver Rd. Witset, BC V0J 2N1 • 250 847 2133 • Fax: 250 847 9291 

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